2024-2025 Grade 9 Registration
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Grade 9 Registration portion of our website. Click on the links below to get more information about Grade 9 Registration and why St. Mary’s is such an excellent school.
If your child attends one of our feeder schools (Notre Dame, St. Joseph’s, St. Peter’s and Paul’s) or Timothy Christian, his or her name will already be on our mailing list. Otherwise, please contact our guidance office to have your son or daughter’s name added to our mailing list.
Guidance Office Information Contact:
(519)376-4278 ext 117
maryjo.bastien @bgcdsb.org
Grade 9 Parent Student Virtual Presentation from 2022-2023
Notre Dame, St. Joseph’s and St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Students
Notre Dame, St. Joseph’s and St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Students
Our guidance counsellors have visited your child’s school to do a Grade 9 Presentation and to start to get to know your child.
Students within our School Board only need to complete their option sheet and to enter it into a program called MyBluePrint. Our guidance counsellors will be working with your child and his or her teacher to have his or her courses entered into MyBluePrint by February.
How Can You Be Informed and Help Your Child?
- Attend a parent-student information night and take a guided tour following the presentation.
- Review the Grade 9 Option Sheet with your child
- The following items will assist you with course selection:
- A description of all courses and course levels can be found in our Course Calendar
- Watch our staff video about elective classes
- For students who are interested in French Immersion, watch our video about the French Immersion program.
- If you have any questions, please email your child’s guidance counsellor.
Timothy Christian Students
Timothy Christian Students
Our guidance counsellor and principal will be visiting your child’s school to do a Grade 9 Presentation. They will continue to connect with the Timothy Christian students to answer any questions about Course Selection and high school in general.
How Can You Be Informed and Help Your Child?
- Attend a parent-student information night and take a guided tour following the presentation.
- Review the Grade 9 Option Sheet with your child
- The following items will assist you with course selection
- A description of all courses can be found in our Course Calendar
- Watch our staff video about elective classes
Timothy Christian students, who would like to register at St. Mary’s, will also need to complete the following paperwork:
- St . Mary’s Grade 9 Option Sheet
- St. Mary’s Grade 9 Registration Package
Please email Guidance Counsellor, Karen Majury, at [email protected] if you require assistance or if you have any questions.
Public School, Private School, Kikendaasogamig, or Homeschooled Students
Public School, Private School, Kikendaasogamig, or Homeschooled Students
IMPORTANT: If your child is possibly interested in attending St. Mary’s for grade 9, please ensure that he or she is on our mailing list. To be added to the mailing list, email Mary-Jo Bastien at [email protected]
How Can You Be Informed and Help Your Child?
- Attend a parent-student information night and take a guided tour following the presentation.
- Review the Grade 9 Option Sheet with your child
- The following items will assist you with course selection:
- A description of all courses can be found in our Course Calendar
- Watch our staff video about elective classes
- For students who are interested in French Immersion, watch our video about the French Immersion program
Students, who would like to register at St. Mary’s, will need to complete the following:
- St . Mary’s Grade 9 Option Sheet
- St. Mary’s Grade 9 Registration Package
Please email Guidance Counsellor, Karen Majury, at [email protected] if you require assistance or if you have any questions.