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Our Faith

Chaplain Message for February-April 2022


We have entered semester 2 using a regular timetable with the semester change. Although it's another adjustment for staff and students, I feel for many, it is a welcome change. Many of our amazing clubs are starting to resume and spring sports will make a return when the season arrives. As we settle into our new routines, I pray that God continues to bless our community of St. Mary's.
Semester 2 will be spiritually enriching as well. Our next virtual prayer service is scheduled for Ash Wednesday - March 2nd. Ash Wednesday is a day to do some self-examining and consider ways that we can better live by Christ's example. It's a day for us to repent our sins and ask God for His forgiveness. We can look at it as a day of self-cleaning. On Ash Wednesday, we place ashes on our foreheads as a symbol of the sins we are trying to turn away from. The ashes are placed in the shape of a cross to symbolize that even in our times of sin, Jesus says that we still belong to Him, and He forgives us.
Ash Wednesday then kicks off our 40 days of Lent, a time spent in prayer, fasting and almsgiving as we prepare to enter Easter with a clean heart.
This year for Lent, St. Mary's will take a closer look at the book of James from the bible as part of our morning prayer, we will make personal choices in regards to fasting, and we will give generously to a few needy causes. Specifically, St. Mary's will be participating in a drive to support Ukraine.  All money collected will go towards Development and Peace, a Canadian Catholic charitable organization that works in partnership with organizations in more than 30 countries to create greater justice in the world, and towards the Red Cross (in which our donations will be matched by our federal government).  Both organizations are working to provide food, shelter, medical care and provide transportation for refugees to safety.  As well, St. Mary's will be continuing our hygiene products drive that was begun before Christmas and interrupted by our covid-related lockdown. These almsgiving activities will run from Ash Wednesday until Easter.
As we enter this time of Lent, let's pray:
Loving God,
We come to You on Ash Wednesday and during our season of Lent to help us with some self-cleaning. There are times when we have sinned, weakening our relationships with others and with You. We ask for forgiveness. Bless us with the strength to turn away from evil temptations and the compassion to always speak and act in a way that pleases You. After this period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, may we celebrate Your risen Son, Jesus, with a clean heart and conscience.  


We pray this in Your holy name. Amen.



God bless you,


Ms. Skiba



Though a different Virtue is focused on each month, these Virtues are part of the entire school year and are experienced and discussed in a natural and teachable moment kind of way.  With staff and students making connections, to, between and among these virtues whenever the situation may arise.

Perfect Love

Religion and Family Life Curriculum Grade K - 12

Catholic educators recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children in the areas of faith and morality. Faith formation begins very early in a child’s life through the experiences and life lessons that are taught at home, as well as through the local parish faith community. As educators within Catholic schools, we have the privilege of supporting and complementing this formation.
  Discerning Believers/un croyant formed in the Catholic faith community who celebrate the signs and sacred mystery of God’s presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
  Effective Communicators/un communicateur, who speak, write and listen honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.
  Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinkers/un penseur réfléchi et creatif who solve problems and make responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
  Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learners/un apprenant à vie who develop and demonstrate their God-given potential.
  Collaborative Contributors/un collaborateur who find meaning, dignity and vocation in work, which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
  Caring Family Members/un membre soucieux who attend to family, school, parish and the wider community.
  Responsible Citizens/un citoyen responsable who act morally, seek and grant forgiveness and promote the sacredness of all life.

“When we graduate a student,

 we don’t ask, “What did you learn?” but “Who did you become?"

 ~ Sister Clare Fitzgerald ~