Daily Announcements - Tuesday June 11, 2024

Military Co-op

Have you EVER thought about joining the Military?


Did you know you can join the military through a paid Co-op program?  A virtual information session is being held this Wednesday evening at 7 PM. See Guidance or Co-op for the link.


This is a full-time Co-op offered during the 2nd Semester.

You would:

  • Earn 4 High School Credits.
  • Make $14,000 under the Paid Co-op in Semester 2.
  • You can continue working full-time for the remaining 2 months of summer, earning an additional $10,000.
  • Get all your military qualifications and be fully trained in your choice of occupation. 
  • Remain in the Reserves (after Co-op) part-time and be offered full-time employment each summer.


This is being offered to any current Grade 11, Grade 12, or Victory Lap student. This is a great opportunity and unique experience to see if the Military is an option for you.




There will be a mandatory football meeting at lunch today in room 225 for all players coming to Hamilton tomorrow. 


Athletic Banquet

Limited tickets are available.   Don’t miss out on our traditional year end event this Thursday after school.  Tickets can be purchased on school cash online for $10.   Today will be the last day to get your tickets.

This is a semi-formal event.