Daily Announcements - Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thanksgiving Promo Video:


Boys Soccer

Yesterday the Boys soccer team attended the Hustle for a Cure Tournament in Bradford. With only 12 players, the boys came out strong in their first game taking it 7-0. Logan Burnham, Chase Coish and Logan Black both had a brace and Wyatt Fassl had one. The boys finished strong in their last two games with a 3-3 tie and a 2-2 tie with zero subs. 

Congrats on making it to the Semi-Finals for the first time in this tournament's history! 

Cross Country
Thank you grade 9’s for taking an interest in joining our Cross Country team! We have filled 8 spots! We do need 2 more grade 9 girls to complete our novice girls team. Please come see Mr. Smydo in Portable 4 for details!

Let’s Help Out Our Custodians

When leaving your table in the cafeteria, please take a second to tuck in your chair. Our custodians are spending a lot of time tucking in chairs, and if we all just take a second to do it ourselves, it will mean that the custodians won’t have to spend hours doing this every day.

Reminder to Grade 12 Students - Sault College will be here today at 12:30 to do a presentation.  Please listen for the presentation location.

Jr Girls Basketball

There will be an important meeting for the Jr. Girls Basketball Team in Room 128 at the beginning of lunch today. All players must attend in order to receive their uniform. 

The team will be taking on PSDS today after school at 4pm in their season home opener! Good luck to the Jr. Mustangs!


There will be a BIPOC meeting at lunch today in Room 225! We will be having our vote for formal positions. New members are always welcome! 

Science Fair:

Room 329 @ lunch today! Curious about what universities like in your portfolio? Curious if something you love in life can somehow become a science fair project? Mr. Kim loves Tae Kwon Do. Martial arts experiments are easy: can we train a child to kick as fast as an adult? Lol. You do swimming? Maybe a study into ideal technique/form? You play flute, like Mr. Kim? Perhaps something about learning to do circular breathing? COME say hi to the odd one, Mr. Kim! Room 329, lunch.

RENT Meeting

Any students who have paid and turned in a permission form to attend the performance of RENT at Stratford on October 4th, should attend an important meeting today at the beginning of lunch in the drama room.  Bring your lunch!

Math Help Center

The math help center is open Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch in Room 319.  Bring your lunch and your questions!


St Mary’s School Band

Any and all students interested in joining the St Mary’s school band are to attend a very important meeting today in the music room at lunch! No experience necessary!


If you are interested in participating in DECA this year, please go on School Cash Online to pay your $40 registration fee by end of day on Friday Sept. 29. We need to submit our participants so you can be slotted into your event and start practicing. 

If you are NOT planning on participating this year, please email Mr. Low, Ms. Simons, or Ms. Neilly to remove you from our classroom. If you want more clarification on the club, competition, payment....please come to portable 5 at lunch on Friday. 

Thank you!


There will be an Advocate meeting today after school in room 327.

Football - the football team will not be back at the school until 6:15 - you will not be able to use the late taxi tonight.  Please make alternate transportation arrangements.