Daily Announcements - Monday May 15, 2023





Youth Group


Youth runs today in room 234. A pizza lunch will be provided. See you there.


Ms. Skiba and Mr. Clark

BIPOC video https://www.canva.com/design/DAFh9bB9FZw/rvmronTxulpLn7xnE9IhjA/watch?utm_content=DAFh9bB9FZw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink 


A Pie with a Purpose








Please return your opt out forms right now to guidance! We need them…yesterday. If you need an opt out form because you have misplaced the one Ms. Simons has given you, please come and get another. 

Little Shop of Horrors

★☆★ Visual Arts Ceramic Club meets tonight in Artroom 3-5 ★☆★    c(◕◡◕c)       


All members are reminded to get late taxis at lunch from main office if necessary. :O

Thank you!

Mr. Arnett would like to thank all Visual, Media and Photography Arts students who supported the 3rd Visual, Media and Photography Arts field trip to the Museum of Illusions and Power Plant Gallery in Toronto on Friday. You all place 1st in these Art opportunities. Special thanks also to Mrs. Eames for assisting with chaperoning too.


Prom Tickets - Prom tickets can be picked up at the main office.

4th Visual, Media and Photography Arts field trip - Toronto Zoo

Reminder to all students the 4th Visual, Media and Photography Arts field trip will be to the Toronto Zoo on Monday June 5th - cost is $56.00 - tickets are available now - Cash On-line - spots are limited - thanks Mr. Arnett & Mrs. Sprung.