Daily Announcements - Tuesday November 2, 2021


Specialist High Skills Major Students

Grade 12 students in the Health and Wellness and Transportation High Skills Major programs are asked to meet for a brief but very important meeting in the Coop classroom at the beginning of lunch today.


There will be an Open Improv tomorrow after school in the Drama Room. All are welcome to come learn Improv skills and play theatre games.

Visual Arts Ceramic Club - Please Pick Up Your Clay

Can you following students please pick up their clay from the Artroom/Photography room either in the morning or lunch or afternoon

Ava Hodgkinson

Brooklyn McNamara

Maisie MacDonald


Mr. Arnett & Mrs. Sprung

Student Cards:

If you have paid your student fee but have NOT received your student card, please go see Mrs Neilly in Student Success (Rm 209) today. 

Grappling Club

Practice today at lunch in the gym. Bring your permission slip.

Junior Girls Basketball

There will be shooting practice for the junior girls basketball team Friday morning from 8 - 8:45am. Players will need to arrange for transportation to the school Friday morning.