Daily Announcements - December 11

Christmas Drive - 


Wanted: 10 youth from Grey/Bruce/


Goal: To create a regional committee/team to help create a youth-run virtual conference about the dangers of impaired driving.

Experience: None required

Volunteer Hours: 10+ January-June 2021


Contact: www.osaid.ca for more information



Cafeteria Update

The school and cafeteria staff are so pleased with the re-opening of the cafeteria.  If you have not stopped by yet be sure to come in for something yummy prior to Christmas break!

The cafe staff would like to remind everyone how important it is to sanitize your hands when entering the cafeteria service.  

If your hands are not properly sanitized the staff won’t be able to allow you entry.  We want to do our best to protect all of you.  We all forget occasionally, but please realize how important it is before you reach for food.